Itā€˜s unlikely youā€˜ve heard of Arthur Pigou, the Cambridge University economist who laid the groundwork forĀ ā€œstakeholderā€Ā capitalism. Pigou, who died in 1959, argued that production of goods and services often involves costs that are borne not by the producer or the end customer, but by society at large. TheseĀ ā€œexternalities,ā€Ā as he termed them, are a hidden tax on public welfare. Examples might include the CO2Ā emissions of combustion-powered cars, theĀ negative impact of social media on mental health, and the social costs of discriminatory hiring practices.

In recent years, as the side effects of unfettered capitalism have become more visible and noxious, companies have been pressed to embrace a mission that goes beyond profits. Much of theĀ squeezeĀ has come from asset management companies, like Blackrock, that have threatened to disinvest from businesses that fail to take steps to improve their environmental and social impact. Governments are also tightening the vise. In April 2021, the EU passed its pioneering Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, which will compel 49,000 European companies to publicly report their progress in addressing climate change and other environmental threats.

While investors and governments have been laying the tracks for Capitalism 2.0, most CEOs have been on the back footā€”greenwashing objectionable practices with eco-themed PR, endorsingĀ bland statementsĀ aboutĀ ā€œsocial purpose,ā€Ā and generallyĀ doingĀ little more thanĀ whatĀ is legally required.

During his ten-year stint as CEO of Unilever, one of the worldā€˜s biggest food and personal care companies, Polman was a notable exception to this collective foot-dragging. Polman prioritized long-term value creation and made sustainability the centerpiece of the companyā€˜s strategy.Ā Unileverā€˜s Sustainable Living Plan, launched in 2010, called for a 50% reduction in the companyā€˜s carbon footprint, a sizable cut in landfill waste, and a commitment to 100% sustainable sourcing. Progress since then has beenĀ impressive: CO2 emissions are down 75%, water abstraction is down 49%, and landfill waste is down 34%.

Polman retired from Unilever in 2019, but his campaign for responsible capitalism continuesā€”now from the platform of his non-profit foundation, Imagine. Recently, we sat down to talk with Polman about his long campaign for responsible capitalism, and his recentĀ book,Ā Net Zero: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take.

We started by asking Ā what had propelled him to set such ambitious targets for Unilever. He says:

I was the first CEO to come from the outside, so I spent a lot of time studying the history of the company, going back to the roots of Lord Lever who startedĀ Lever BrothersĀ at the end of the 19th century.Ā he believed inĀ ā€œshared prosperity.ā€œĀ He didnā€™t buildĀ theĀ company for the shareholders,Ā nor for himself. He reduced the work week to six days, put pensions in place, and guaranteed that the men who went off to fight World War I would have their jobs when they came back. I held my first board meeting in Lord Leverā€˜s house to make a strong message:Ā ā€œWeā€˜re going back to the core of this company.ā€œ

When Polman Ā took over in January 2009, Unilever had been underperforming its major competitors for more than a decade. How, we asked, did investors react to Polmanā€˜s goal of creating long-term value forĀ allĀ stakeholders? As a new CEO, he must have been under tremendous pressure to pump up earnings.Ā ā€œI argued thatĀ the company had becomeĀ the victim of short-termism,ā€Ā says Polman,Ā ā€œandĀ hadĀ started chasingĀ its ownĀ tail. If youĀ seeĀ profits goingĀ down, you start cuttingĀ R&D, brand spending, andĀ investment in people.Ā So theĀ spiral keeps going and youĀ cut more and more.”

Polman continues:

I thought the company needed something more energizing than trying to make its numbers. Growth for growthā€˜s sake is not very motivating. So we went back to the roots and said, letā€˜s introduce a Sustainable Living Plan, where we take ownership of our total impact in the world. Ā InĀ the food business, you need to attack the issues of deforestation,Ā improving theĀ livelihoodsĀ ofĀ poor farmers,Ā reducingĀ food waste,Ā and tacklingĀ obesity.

These are noble goals, but, we pressed the question again: How did Polman sell his vision to shareholders?Ā ā€œI told them,ā€Ā he says,Ā ā€œthat you cannot optimize one stakeholderā€”the shareholderā€”at the expense of the others and expect to maximize longā€“term returns.Ā ShareholderĀ returnsĀ areĀ theĀ result of what weĀ do, andĀ not an objective in itself.ā€œ

This is a simple truth, and one often missed by CEOs, who are prone to mistake the scoreboard (shareholder returns) for the game (empowering employees, encouraging breakout innovation, delighting customers, and strengthening communities). In some companies, it seems as if the entire executive team has abandoned the playing field and is crowded around one of those old, pre-digital scoreboards, wildly trying to manipulate the numbers. While share buy-backs, mega-deals, and downsizing can plump up the share price, they arenā€˜t strategies for long-term value creation.

Enough about shareholders, what about Unileverā€˜s employees? ā€œAfter years of retrenching,ā€ we asked, ā€œthey must have been burned out and cynical. How did you bring them along?ā€

ā€œBeforeĀ we launched the Sustainable Living Plan,ā€Ā Polman says,Ā ā€œwe spent a year with theĀ topĀ 100, then the next 500, then the next 3,000, developing our collectiveĀ purpose. And the firstĀ question we asked was,Ā ā€˜What is your own purpose? WhatĀ gets youĀ up in the morning?ā€˜Ā The secondĀ questionĀ was,Ā ā€˜How do you use thatĀ purpose toĀ influence others?ā€˜Ā And the thirdĀ question was,Ā ā€˜How do you get results with that?ā€˜Ā We wanted everyone to becomeĀ more aware of their own purpose in life, which frankly, few people have thought about. But it was important to haveĀ a leadershipĀ team goĀ throughĀ their ownĀ journey to discover their purpose.ā€œ

Enlightenment is, we agreed, is a pre-requisite for change, but often not enough. Many of us, for example, know we need to shed a few pounds, but lack the discipline to work out each day. How, we asked, did you move your colleagues from awareness to action?

ā€œThe key,ā€Ā Polman says,Ā ā€œwas creating more than 50 ambitiousĀ ā€˜time bombā€™ targets.ā€Ā These highly specific goals made the companyā€˜s newly discovered purpose tangible for every employee. Moreover, in aĀ ā€œburn the boatsā€Ā move, Polman made the targets public and asked PwC to produce a yearly progress report.

Here, again, Polmanā€˜s experience dovetails with our own. No company out-performs its aspirations, and it usually takes an ambitious and noble goal to coax people into re-imagining legacy systems and practices. By way of example, Polman describes the challenge for Unileverā€˜s procurement function.Ā ā€œFor years,ā€Ā says Polman,Ā ā€œprocurement had beenĀ focused on squeezing the last penny of costs out of a supplier.Ā AllĀ of a suddenĀ itĀ has to focus on sustainable sourcing, on longer-term relationships with suppliers,Ā andĀ leveraging their infinitely bigger R&D capabilities to drive innovation.ā€œ

This sort of radical shift didnā€˜t come easy to all of Unileverā€˜s senior executives. Country managers, many of whom had grown up in the finance function, found the pivot particularly difficult. Having become adept at downsizing, they were now being asked to embrace a new social mission and grow the business in new directions. Retooling mindsets is never easy, and over the next few years, 70 of Unileverā€˜s 100 top local leaders were replaced.

Another barrier was Unileverā€˜s bloated management pyramid. Says Polman:

A former bossĀ toldĀ meĀ thatĀ when it comes to transformation, you need to add a yearfor every level in the organization.Ā ThatĀ wasnā€™t appealing to me.Ā When I arrived,Ā Unilever had 12 layersĀ orĀ 14 layers, so I reducedĀ that to five layers to make the organization agile again.

Even with these moves, Polman admits that it was four to five years before he knew the changes would stickā€”beforeĀ ā€œmoral capitalism,ā€Ā as Lord Lever called it, was once again imbued in the companyā€˜s DNA.

As you might suspect, Unileverā€˜s all-in bet on sustainability has been widely praised. TheĀ GlobeScan/SustainAbilityĀ survey has ranked Unilever as the worldā€˜s most environmentally minded company for ten consecutive years. Nevertheless, there are detractors. Some have scoffed at the companyā€˜s attempts to imbue each of its brands with a higher purpose. Isnā€˜t it enough, critics ask, for Hellmanā€˜s mayonnaise to simply improve the taste of a sandwich? More worrying is the fact that Unileverā€˜s share price, which rose 290% during Polmanā€˜s tenure, has under-performed the market since 2020ā€”a reminder that being green doesnā€˜t cure every operational ill or remedy every strategic misstep.

Nonetheless, Polman, more than any other CEO, has provided leaders with a template for building a business that servesĀ allĀ of its constituentsā€”and merits their trust. Thatā€˜s a substantial accomplishment, given that a 2020 globalĀ survey by EdelmanĀ found that only 29% of respondents believed that big business serves the interests ofĀ ā€œeveryone equally and fairly.ā€

As Polman will tell you, it takes grit and perseverance to proactively re-vector an immensely complex global business. But most of all it takes heart.Ā ā€œThe wordĀ ā€˜courage,ā€˜ā€Ā Polman reminds us,Ā ā€œcomes from the FrenchĀ ā€˜cœur,ā€˜Ā which meansĀ ā€˜heart.ā€˜Ā We have to humanize leadership again,Ā we needĀ empathy, compassion, the ability to listen to others, and we must be inclusiveĀ andĀ purpose driven.ā€œ

This is wise counsel for anyone who believes itā€™s time we stitch up the hole in the soul of capitalism.

Gary Hamel is a business thinker, author, and educator. He is on the faculty of the London Business School and the Harvard Business Review Press best-selling book,Ā Humanocracy: Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People Inside Them.

Michele Zanini is the co-founder of the Management Lab (MLab), where he helps organizations become more adaptable, innovative, and engaging places to work. He is the coauthor ofĀ Humanocracy: Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People Inside Them.

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