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7 reasons why emotional leaders are the future

Emotional, sensitive, intuitive leaders will be vital to any organization that hopes to achieve success in the next decade.

[Source photo: Rishabh Dharmani/Unsplash]

Lisa Kimmel assumed she could keep it together for her virtual town hall. It was April of 2020, one month into the whirling funhouse of horrors that would become the COVID-19 pandemic. Kimmelā€”Edelmanā€™s chair and CEO of Canada & Latin Americaā€”was addressing 250 of her Canadian employees about how they were adjusting to the wrenching changes in their work and home lives. As she set up, she wrote in theĀ Toronto Star, she felt calm and ready.

Then, unexpectedly, the feels hit her like a wave. ā€œAs I was speaking to my team, I was overcome with emotion,ā€ she wrote. ā€œMy voice wavered and the tears cameā€”not what I had planned, but there was no stopping it.ā€ She was embarrassed, but within seconds of her outburst, her team flooded her computer with an outpouring of love and support that she said later helped her build trust with her team during a challenging, disruptive year.

According to conventional wisdom and leadership stereotypes (we all know how accurate and helpfulĀ thoseĀ are), leaders arenā€™t supposed to show emotion. Strong leaders are stern and stoic, making rational decisions based on the cold-blooded math of profit and loss, head count, and quarterly earnings. In other words, effective leaders reflect the hyper-masculine 1950s dad stereotype: the clenched-jaw worker who handed down discipline with his belt, rarely smiled, andā€”sure as John Wayneā€”never, ever shed a tear.

This just in: This isnā€™t the 1950s. Weā€™re just starting to emerge fromĀ pestilentem annum, an ink-black year (or two) of isolation, and weā€™ve all got some anxiety, angst, or loneliness to get off our chestsā€”including the folks residing in the C-suite. Oh, and leaders arenā€™t all men anymore.Ā According to Catalyst, in 2021 women occupied 31% of senior management positions around the world, the highest number to date.

So, can we consign this ā€œleaders arenā€™t allowed to have feelingsā€ nonsense to the same cultural shredder as day planners, that photo of Bernie Sanders and his mittens, and casual workplace sexual harassment? Pretty please?

Still, we get it. Emotions get a bad rap. In our book,Ā Rare Breed: A Guide to Success for the Defiant, Dangerous, and Different, we write about seven so-called vices we call ā€œvirtuesā€ that many people still criticize. Of them, emotional is the least understood. Perhaps thatā€™s because itā€™s the most encompassing. We define emotional as having a high EQ and great powers of intuition and empathy, all assets for any leader who has to manage peopleā€”which is to say, every leader.

But particularly in the business world, ā€œemotionalā€ is often a pejorative. Youā€™re seen as volatile, prone to unpredictable outbursts. Or youā€™re hypersensitive, leading people to walk on eggshells around you and duck and cover after offering even mild criticism. Or youā€™re irrational and wimpy, incapable of making tough calls because youā€™re busy rescuing cats from trees.

Intimidated by these common beliefs, some ā€œemotionalā€ leaders end up suppressing that side of themselves and not showing up as who they really are. This is especially true for women, who wind up overcompensating for fear of being seen as weak and incapable because our feelings are in control. ā€œFor female leaders especially, this kind of vulnerability can be terrifying,ā€ Kimmel writes. ā€œItā€™s ingrained in so many of us to be cool and collected, to project strength and calm, or risk looking incompetent.ā€

But while we certainly do know some emotional leaders who fit those negative stereotypes, theyā€™re exceedingly rare. In fact, in todayā€™s world, sensitive leaders who are open about their emotions are an asset. Before COVID-19, a Verizon survey of 1,700 senior business leaders found that fewer than 20% said emotional intelligence would be vital for future business leaders. Post COVID-19,Ā 69% of business leadersĀ said EQ would be essential. Times are changing.

Here are seven reasons why emotional, sensitive, intuitive leaders will be vital to any organization that hopes to achieve success in the next decade.


Since March of 2020, employees of most companies, large and small, have had to manage working from home, often in tiny spaces, often with children running around. Theyā€™ve had their private space invaded, learned how to manage Zoom, been unable to see friends and loved ones, and lived in fear.

In other words, itā€™s been a frightening, stressful time for millions. Theyā€™ve gained weight, changed their sleep habits, been afflicted with increased levels of depression and anxiety, and had their home lives turned upside down. They deserve leaders who understand and empathize with what theyā€™ve endured. If they canā€™t find them, theyā€™ll use the reopening of economies to go elsewhere.


See above.Ā For the members of the general public, the COVID-19 experience was no less harrowing than it was for corporate employees. Many had been laid off. Children had to attend school on screens and miss out on some of the most important developmental years of their lives.

We wonā€™t belabor the point. Weā€™ve all come to expect everyone to be a little more patient, forgiving, and kind as we sift through the rubble and try to reengage: banks, lenders, airlines, schools, governments, even the Internal Revenue Service. Companies that fail to respect this new normal will alienate customers and market share. On the other hand, those with leaders who can connect with customers will earn unprecedented levels of loyalty, even love.


In the past, CEOs and other senior executives were as distant as the faces on Mount Rushmore; people who provoked envy, fear, and awe, carefully coiffed brands in Tom Ford suits. It was easy for those people to pretend they didnā€™t have feelings, or any other human weakness.

No one is buying the act anymore. Weā€™ve seen your home office and your deck on Zoom, and while theyā€™re swank, weā€™ve also seen you in your workout shorts and your morning stubble. Weā€™ve seen your sink piled with dishes, heard your teenager swearing at Instagram, and watched your cat step in front of the screen and stamp its paws all over your T-shirt. Youā€™re no longer the Wizard of Oz; there is no curtain.

The good news is, you can drop the faƧade now. We know youā€™re as bumbling, disorganized, and awkward as the rest of usā€”and you know what? We actually like you more because of it. So, you can also quit pretending you didnā€™t bawl like a baby at the end ofĀ The Good Place . . .Ā because you know you did.


We areĀ notĀ saying that women are naturally more emotional than men. WeĀ areĀ saying that women tend to show their emotions in the workplace more than men, and in this post-COVID-19 world, women executives are on the climb.Ā According to CNBC, in the first quarter of 2021, 41 women led Fortune 500 companies. That 8.2% might seem paltry, but inĀ 2018Ā there were just 24 women at the top spotā€”a 71% increase in three years.

More women at the helm of more companies suggests a lot of potential downstream effects, and weā€™re betting one of them is that in female-led organizations, more employees will feel safer expressing their emotions, for better or worse. As a result, corporate cultures will change. Brands will evolve and differentiate themselves from their competition by how warm, welcoming, authentic, and empathetic they are.


Black Lives Matter. Climate change. Childhood poverty.Ā Roe v. Wade.Ā The immigration crisis. Whatever your politics, you canā€™t deny that more and more people are getting involved in solving the great problems of our time. Theyā€™re informed. Theyā€™re passionate. They care deeply about social justice, equity, and fairnessā€”and they expect the companies and brands they patronize to care about the same things.

Thatā€™s difficult to pull off if your organizationā€™s default position is ā€œprofit before people.ā€ You canā€™t fake compassion. Consumers are more sophisticated than ever, and they despise hypocrisy. Whatā€™s more, so do your employees. If youā€™re going to claim to care about solving systemic racism or ending the opioid crisis, youā€™d better genuinely care about those causes, deep down in your gutā€”because youā€™ll find that everyone admires companies and leaders who sacrifice profit for whatā€™s right, and lead with their heart.


Before social media, if someone in the C-suite said or did something stupid or sexist, your PR firm could spin the story with the local press and the networks and prevent a lot of the damage. Well, those days are over. Now, letā€™s say youā€™re a U.S. airline whose name rhymes with ā€œexcited,ā€ and you just happen to have security drag a passenger kicking and screaming down the aisle for no reason. Before you can say, ā€œPR crisis,ā€ you have a PR crisis that kicks your share price in the teeth and sparks boycott hashtags on Twitter.

In a transparent, instant-news, no-filter world, the only smart move for any organization is to be one of the good guys (either that or be too big to careā€”but thereā€™s only one Amazon, right?). Again, you canā€™t fake that. Corporate social responsibility programs designed to burnish your brand in the press wonā€™t fool the Facebook and Instagram warriors. Better to drop the stoicism, be honest and direct, talk about what motivates you and your executive team, and find human connection with your market.

Have aging parents showing signs of dementia? So do some of your customers, and they want to know that you get their pain. Did you cry when you hugged your parents when vaccinations made it possible to see them after a year apart? So did millions of us, and we want to bond with you over that experience. Vulnerability is okay.


Two economic meltdowns in 12 years? Millennials and Gen-Zers are furious, and we donā€™t blame them. Theyā€™re a lot less likely to trust any employer now, and a lot more likely to rely on freelance, side hustles, and the gig economy to make ends meet. That means retaining talented people will beĀ the Ali-Foreman heavyweight fight of the next decade. Guess what connects with these workers? True, unguarded, authentic feeling. Caring about people. Caring about causes. Caring about the planet. Just caring, full stop. Build a high-EQ leader class with intuition and soul, and you stand a better chance of holding onto game-changing talent.

Youā€™re leading people. People want and need to feel that you hear them, understand them, and see them as part of your culture, your band of sisters and brothers.


Sunny Bonnell and Ashleigh Hansberger are founders of Motto and authors of Rare Breed: A Guide to Success for the Defiant, Dangerous, and Different. More

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