If youā€™re sending a text message or chatting on a work chat app such as Slack, you have a limited number of ways to express yourself.

You can use plain text, of course, or emoji, or drop in a meme, or a Bitmoji, or a GIF from a TV show. And if youā€™re artistically inclined and have the time and software, you can devise your own memes or GIFs, but thatā€™s a lot of work for most everyday communications.

A new app calledĀ HiNote, currently available for iOS, helps bridge that gap. It lets you use easily customizable, stationery-like templates for all kinds of greetings and messages, from work meeting invitations and thank you notes to informal wedding party planning messages and even grocery lists.

ā€œI just thought it would be amazing to just have another stylish, expressive option,ā€ says CEO and founder Alexis Traina.

The app is designed so that itā€™s easy to tweak its existing templates with a few taps, then share the resulting images in any messaging or social media app installed on iOS, including Appleā€™s Messages. Traina says she looked at how people were using emoji and Bitmoji, as well as older-school e-card services such as Paperless Post. She also drew inspiration from communications from brands like upscale fashion houses.


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Generally speaking, she found that people wanted a less cumbersome way to send classy-looking messages from their phones on the apps theyā€™re already using to communicate with people.

ā€œThey didnā€™t want it to take 11 steps to do this,ā€ she says.

So far, HiNote has about 350 templates designed for different types of messages and different tones, and Traina says sheā€™s seen the messages take off for an ever-growing assortment of event and activity types.


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ā€œWeā€™re finding that people are sending out office communications for meetings, garage sales, trunk shows, little gatherings,ā€ she says. ā€œItā€™s incredible to see the mushroom effect.ā€

The app is currently entirely free, and Traina says the company is working with some commercial clients and events to develop custom notes for particular events. Holidays are also a big drawā€”ā€We really went hard on Valentineā€™s Day,ā€ she saysā€”with users more recently requesting templates for Mardi Gras and even Lent.

Traina says she imagines the app essentially becoming a digital ā€œstationery boxā€ for users that they can reach to for a wide variety of purposes, from messages around events to holiday greetings, without senders or recipients having to leave the texting apps that so many of our digital lives revolve around.

ā€œThe idea of texting in 2022 wanted an upgrade,ā€ she says.


Steven Melendez is an independent journalist living in New Orleans. More

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