• | 12:30 pm

Amazon invests in EFG Hermes GDRs, valuation of valU reaches $235 million

The partnership aims to offer consumer financing by valU as a payment method on amazon.eg.

[Source photo: Anvita Gupta/Fast Company Middle East]

EFG Hermes Holding S.A.E and global e-commerce giant Amazon entered into an option agreement whereby Amazon agreed to reportedly acquire $10 million in EFG Hermes GDRs with the option to replace that investment into valU at a future date, translating into a stake of 4.255% of the issued share capital of valU, based on a current post-money valuation of valU of $235 million.Ā 

The option will be exercisable prior to or upon the occurrence of a qualified liquidity event at the level of valU, in the form of an independent investment involving third party investors, a sale, or an initial public offering or other listing events, based on the terms and conditions of the transaction agreement.

In connection with the option agreement, valU Consumer Finance S.A.E. (“valU”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of EFG Hermes Holding S.A.E entered into an agreement with Amazon for the Provision of Consumer Financing by valU as a payment method on Amazon.eg, providing these customers with the option to split the total cost of purchases into multiple payments by using valU.

With a current footprint spanning 13 countries across four continents, EFG Hermes Holding has grown into an impact-driven universal bank in Egypt with the leading investment bank franchise in Frontier Emerging Markets (FEM).

Serving over 250,000 active clients in the Arab worldā€™s largest consumer market, Egypt, valU boasts more than 5,330 points of sale, offering customizable BNPL financing plans and access to a wide network of retail and e-commerce providers across diverse sectors, including residential solar solutions, home appliances, electronics, education, travel and home furnishings, among others.

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