• | 6:14 am

Sony built an AI that can beat you at video games, with honor

Its new Gran Turismo racing bot has bested world-class human esports drivers.

[Source photo: Hase-Hoch-2/iStock]

First they came for chess, now they come for video games. In the 21st century, a legion of AI competitors could very well dominate every board, screen, and console played by humans. Famous machines like Deep Blue and Alpha Go have already conquered some of the worldā€™s most complex strategy puzzles.

Next up, the PS5.

Japanese tech giant SonyĀ revealed WednesdayĀ that it has trained theĀ toughest-ever opponentĀ for the race-car simulatorĀ Gran Turismoā€”a champion that can beat top-class esports drivers at their own games. Forged on the battlegrounds of over 1,000 PlayStation 4 consoles, the AI racer-bot has grown smart enough to identify optimal course routes and can execute skilled tactical maneuvers to pass or block competitors, even in vehicular scrum. It does so with ruthless effectivenessā€”while still respecting the human etiquette of the game, Sony claims.

The companyĀ published researchĀ on its brainchildā€”dubbed Gran Turismo Sophyā€”inĀ Nature journal this week. The development process paired ā€œstate-of-the-art, model-free, deep reinforcement learning algorithms with mixed-scenario training to learn an integrated control policy that combines exceptional speed with impressive tactics,ā€ it said. ā€œIn addition, we construct a reward function that enables the agent to be competitive while adhering to racingā€™s important, but under-specified, sportsmanship rules.ā€

In a media-broadcast demonstration, Sophy bested four of the worldā€™s topĀ Gran TurismoĀ drivers in head-to-head contests, proving the techā€™s superiority to mere mortals. ButĀ Sophyā€™s aspirationĀ was never to crush humanityā€™s spirits or to leave it feeling defeated. On the contrary, it was meant to spark fresh excitement in esports, especially among elite players who felt they had no challenge left to answer.

ā€œI feel frustrated, that never happened before battling with an AI,ā€ Tomoaki Yamanaka, one of the four racers,Ā said after the loss. ā€œI drove like I would drive against a human. Thatā€™s a really amazing thing.ā€

In that sense, Sophy pushes the human limit; it can ā€œaccelerate and elevate the playersā€™ techniques and creativity to the next level,ā€ said Hiroaki Kitano, CEO of Sony AI, in a statement. The company has said itā€™s exploring ways to integrate Sophy into future versions ofĀ Gran Turismo (the gameā€™s seventh edition is set to launch in March).

Gran TurismoĀ now joins a long list of games in which AIs have beaten people, including shogi, Go,Ā Starcraft, classic Atari video games, and multiplayer seriesĀ Defense of the Ancients, for which the Microsoft-backed OpenAI created a fighter bot.

ButĀ Gran TurismoĀ has higher complexity than other console games, requiring players to balance the physics of friction and aerodynamics, all while making split-second judgment calls and reacting to shifting landscapes with light-speed reflex. And even beyond that, experts say Sophyā€™s achievements stand out in its capacity to behave aggressively, yet still fairly, and to observe the gamersā€™ code of conduct beyond just the letter of the lawā€”in other words, to embody the subtle nuances of human character.

While technically legal, Sony didnā€™t want Sophy to win by bullying other racers off the road. To make sure it wouldnā€™t, they trained its neural network by levying penalties for collisions with other drivers, for exampleā€”using a trial-and-error process referred to as reinforcement learning.

ā€œThe agent should be a friend, a comrade, a buddy to human beings, an agent that people can feel sympathy with,ā€Ā saidĀ Kazunori Yamauchi, the creator ofĀ Gran Turismo. ā€œAlso, the agent can stimulate the emotion of people, so that the agent and human beings can mutually respect each other.ā€

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