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Why sustainability is emerging as the key bellwether of Web3

As more attention turns to innovative blockchain-driven technologies, companies are being forced to reckon with the elephant in the room: energy consumption

In April, theĀ largest land rushĀ in the brief history of the metaverse raised approximately $320 million from the sale of 55,000 parcels of virtual land inĀ Otherside, an immersive world created by Yuga Labs, stewards of the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection of NFTs. The newly minted community cemented BAYCā€™s ascent from monkey JPEGs to a metaverse franchise in its own rightā€”a trajectory any Web3-curious brand would kill for. But the stampede carried other costs, includingĀ an estimated $181 million in ā€œgas feesā€Ā to pay for the electricity necessary to issue titles on Ethereumā€™s blockchain. At least one buyer paid eight times in gas fees what his plot cost in ā€œApeCoin.ā€

In this regard, BAYCā€™s triumph is a warning for brands as well. Amidst the push for greater ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) by customers, investors, and government regulators alike, companies canā€™t be caught shilling NFTs and other tokenized assets that seemingly contradict their public pledges to sustainability. At the same time, theĀ recent plungeĀ in the prices of blue-chip cryptocurrencies underscores howĀ the recent NFT boomĀ has raised the stakes for brands eager to experiment in this space. To that end, itā€™s important to focus on Web3ā€™s unique community and utility while bolstering its sustainability through alternatives to energy-intensive blockchains. Rather than fret about electricity consumption, take a step back and strategize instead. ā€œIf energy usage is your first concern, stop that right now and make it community,ā€ advises Brandon Aaskov, global crypto lead at the technology and marketing consultancy DEPT.


Community is arguably theĀ buzziestĀ word in Web3, an acknowledgment of its near-magical ability to bring value into being through the sheer will of true believers. These communities increasingly manifest as DAOs, or ā€œdecentralized autonomous organizations,ā€ which reward members with tokens for their contributions. A prime example isĀ Friends With BenefitsĀ (FWB),Ā which boasts 6,000 membersĀ and has raised $10 million from investors based on the value of its $FWB tokens. Earlier this year, the group voted to partnerĀ on a line of sparkling beverages, followed quickly by similar deals with Hennessy and Reebok on future collaborations. In each case, FWB members will drive the creative process in return for a cut of sales, in what all sides hope will be a virtuous circle of influencer marketing.

DAOs have beenĀ describedĀ as ā€œDiscord with a wallet,ā€ highlighting how the popular messaging app has been essential in bootstrapping Web3 collectives. This has also made it a popular tool for brands reaching out to these communities, as startup costs are minimal. But according to Alex Kunawicz, principal consultant at BYTE/DEPT, driving those conversations from the top down misses the point. ā€œLet them explain what they would like to achieve on these platforms,ā€ he says. ā€œGet those communities to help shape your presence in these areas.ā€

As DAOs and Discords become creative powerhouses in their own right, their gatherings now straddle virtual worlds and the physical one. Before it made the leap to the metaverse, BAYC manifested as a series ofĀ parties, while FWB is planning a members-only festival in August thatā€™s a cross between a board meeting and Burning Man. In both cases, NFTs will serve as badges of honor and entry, conferring special rights for holders. To Kunawicz, this represents a critical shift from extrinsic (read: $$$) to intrinsic value, bestowing real benefits rather than merely what he calls a ā€œdigital flex.ā€ Itā€™s a shift successfully embraced by both offline brands such as Adidasā€”whose NFT collaboration with BAYCĀ offers a raft of privilegesā€”and newcomers such asĀ Poolsuite, which has leveraged its nostalgia-drenched vision of the good life into anĀ NFT membership clubĀ andĀ retail partnerships.


But as Web3 matures and truly begins to scale, concerns about its carbon footprint will creep back to the foreā€”whatā€™s the point of building a tokenized, decentralized pocket metaverse if youā€™re only going to be vilified for it? Both Bitcoin and Ethereum rely on ā€œproof-of-workā€œā€”forcing machines to solve puzzles as proof of the blockchainsā€™ integrity, for which theyā€™re rewarded with tokensā€”ensuring a colossal use of energy. (BitcoinĀ currently consumesĀ more electricity than Norway.)

One solution is to switch to renewables, either through a short-term fix with carbon credits or long-term investment in dedicated generation. (Blockstream and Block have partnered onĀ building the latter, using solar panels and batteries from Tesla.) Another is to switch from using blockchains relying on proof-of-work to those utilizingĀ proof-of-stake, which is vastly less energy intensive.

Greenpeace and the Environmental Working Group areĀ leading a campaignĀ to pressure the leading blockchains to do just that. Brands eager to position themselves as leaders in both Web3 and ESG might consider throwing their weight behind them, pledging to use blockchains with a minimal carbon footprint or at least being selective in choosing one. ā€œI would advise brands to consciously avoid proof-of-work, as itā€™s going to end up like VHS versus Betamax,ā€ says Max Pinas, creative director at DEPT. ā€œAnd proof-of-stake will win.ā€

One such energy-sipping blockchain isĀ Algorand, which was created in 2019 by MIT cryptographer Silvio Micali. Its elegant design enables it to perform transactions with the same speed and reliability as Bitcoin, albeit withĀ 120Ā millionĀ times less carbon emissions. TheĀ Algorand FoundationĀ has now issued grants and incentives focused on the development of interoperability solutions. This will allow AlgorandĀ  to connect to other blockchain networks like Ethereum, which can offer brands access to the most popular NFT exchanges, such asĀ Opensea, while vastly lowering their emissions. ā€œRight now, most of what youā€™re seeing are retail-driven applications,ā€ with a small number of users, says Barry Finkelstein, who, until recently, headed North American business development at Algorand. ā€œBut as you start to see more institutional use, thatā€™s when the fundamental value of the technology will come to bear.ā€

For brands eager to make their mark in the next frontier of computing, now is the time to stake their claimā€”both in the metaverse and in steering the underlying software toward a more sustainable future. Brands eager to create or connect with communities in Web3 should evaluate, select, and champion carbon-neutral blockchains such as Algorandā€”with its high degree of interoperabilityā€”to avoid technological dead ends. Itā€™s rare to have an opportunity to shape the future of a new technology; this one is ours for the taking.


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