More than a decade ago, hundreds of companies pledged to stop deforestation in their supply chains by 2020. That didnā€™t happen. In the Amazon basin alone, nearly 5 million acres of forest cover wereĀ lost in 2020. By January 2022, deforestation in the area had reached theĀ highest level in 14 years. A recent study suggests that the Amazon rainforest isĀ moving closer to a tipping point: As deforestation and climate change impacts grow, huge swaths of forest could be permanently lost, with devastating consequences for biodiversity and the climate.

What can companies that source products from the Amazonā€”from chocolate and coffee to wood and soyā€”do differently? When businesses first started making pledges to fight deforestation in 2010, ā€œthey didnā€™t have any idea how to do it,ā€ says Fabiola Zerbini, director for forest, land use, and agriculture in the Brazil branch of the nonprofit World Resources Institute. It was challenging to track where deforestation was happening in complex supply chains. It wasnā€™t clear what it would take to get farmers to change practices. And companies werenā€™t investing enough to help, says Sarah Draper, corporate performance program manager at the nonprofit Global Canopy. ā€œOne of the biggest reasons for failure is simply lack of action or lack of investment in the changes that are needed to meet the goals,ā€ she says.

[Photo: Leonardo Carrato/Bloomberg/Getty Images]

The situation is dire now, and Draper says that none of the companies it assesses in its ā€œForest 500,ā€ a list of businesses that buy the most commodities that risk forests, have managed to eradicate deforestation yet. But there are also signs that companies are beginning to find better solutions. Itā€™s easier now for companies to track whatā€™s happening in their supply chain in near real time using satellite-based tools, with alerts when trees are cleared from an area. Itā€™s also becoming easier to track the chain of custody for commoditiesā€”even something like palm oil, which is dumped into giant containers on ships and can be mixed with oil from a variety of producers. ā€œMost of the big users of palm oil can now give you very detailed reports of where their palm oil is coming from,ā€ says John Buchanan, VP of sustainable production at the nonprofit Conservation International.

Companies are starting to focus more on what works, both in the Amazon and in other tropical forests at risk. ā€œWe spent too long telling suppliers and farmers and producing governments what not to do,ā€ he says. ā€œAnd now, thereā€™s a shift and trying to figure out, well, what are the things that they can and should do to produce agricultural commodities without deforestation?ā€ In many cases, that might mean helping farmers grow more food on existing land, so they donā€™t see it as necessary to slash and burn more forest for new fertile fields.

In Peru, Conservation International worked with farmers to help give this type of technical training. ā€œYou had migrants coming down from the island to plant coffee and make their fortune on coffee, and theyā€™d clear a patch of forests and plant coffee for a while, and yields would decline. And then theyā€™d kind of just keep cutting away and expand their footprint,ā€ Buchanan says. ā€œAnd the solution there was to provide them some technical training, input assistance, to help increase yields from those existing lands in exchange for a commitment to stop that further expansion. The way that commitment is solidified is by helping with access to marketā€”connecting them with the buyers who say they want that deforestation-free coffee.ā€

Companies are also starting to realize that it isnā€™t enough to pledge to clean up their own supply chainsā€”if a supplier is selling deforestation-free products to one company but not to others, or if other suppliers nearby are still cutting and burning down the forest, the problem obviously hasnā€™t been solved. Now, Buchanan says, businesses are beginning to work with governments and other stakeholders to push for broad change across entire regions. ā€œIt puts it also in a different lightā€”okay, what are the assets that I can bring to the table as a buyer, or as a government, to help encourage those transitions and transformations?ā€ he says. (Pulling out of a region isnā€™t the answer, he argues, since that might mean that less-responsible companies start buying products there instead; large companies should use their scale to push for change.)

Banks could also play a key role, says Draper; right now, two-thirds of the 150 financial institutions that provide the most funding to companies in ā€œforest-risk supply chainsā€ still donā€™t have policies about deforestation. New laws could also help. ā€œMost progress made to date has been through voluntary initiatives, which means just a few leading companies are acting,ā€ says Draper. ā€œProposals for legislation in the U.K., EU, and U.S. would help to level the playing field if they effectively require all exposed companies to play their part.ā€

Deforestation isnā€™t the only challenge in the Amazon: Climate change, which is itself worsening as carbon-capturing trees are lost, is helping cause more droughts and wildfires. Companies have to race to cut emissions. But deforestation also needs to be reined in quickly. Draper is optimistic that itā€™s possible for change to happen at the fast pace thatā€™s needed, though it will take more than companies acting alone. ā€œOur last eight years of assessing the most influential companies and financial institutions suggests that a lot of the companies that need to act will not do so voluntarily, so we also need legislation to require sector-wide action,ā€ she says. ā€œOtherwise, we will not eliminate global deforestation.ā€


Adele Peters is a staff writer at Fast Company who focuses on solutions to some of the world's largest problems, from climate change to homelessness. Previously, she worked with GOOD, BioLite, and the Sustainable Products and Solutions program at UC Berkeley. More