Banking that will grow your wealth

When growth becomes harder to achieve, it becomes more valuable in portfolios

Citibank’s Model Portfolios provide a guide to the possible diversification of investment portfolios and serve as an asset allocation reference tool both for periodic evaluation and prospective investments. Citibank Model Portfolios are developed by Citibank’s in-house Global and Regional investment specialists to cater to investors with various risk profiles (based on Citibank’s risk assessment) and provide them with:

  • Diversified asset allocations, made uniquely relevant for Asian investors
  • Up-to-date asset allocations which are reviewed and revised periodically by Citibank’s Research teams to reflect changing market conditions in respect of relevant asset classes
  • Access to our best-in-class research from the Global Investment Committee

Enter your details to find out how you can grow your wealth even in these trying times. While others wait for economies to get better, you get to strengthen your portfolio of investments and reap the benefits.

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